Many thanks to Prof. Huenemann (Utah State) who has kindly notifed me of this upcoming conference:
Interpreting Spinoza
A conference on Spinoza’s philosophy
In commemoration of Edwin Curley’s career
University of Michigan
May 4 - 6, 2007
All papers will be given in the Hussey Room in the Michigan League building on the campus of the University of Michigan. All those interested are welcome to attend. If you do plan to attend, please send a note to Charlie Huenemann ([email protected]) so that we will have an accurate estimate of attendance.
More details (maps, directions, etc.) can be found through this address.
Friday, May 4
12:45-1:00: Introduction
1:00-2:45: Should Spinoza Have Published his Philosophy?
Daniel Garber, Princeton University
3:00-4:45: Epistemic Autonomy in Spinoza
Charlie Huenemann, Utah State University
5:00-6:45: Spinoza and the Philosophy of History
Michael A. Rosenthal, University of Washington
Saturday, May 5
9:00-10:45: Representation and Consciousness in Spinoza’s Naturalistic Theory of Imagination
Don Garrett, New York University
11:00-12:45: Rationalism Run Amok: Representation and the Reality of Emotions in Spinoza
Michael Della Rocca, Yale University
12:45-1:30: Lunch
1:30-3:15: “Whatever is, is in God”: Substance and Things in Spinoza’s Metaphysics
Steven Nadler, University of Wisconsin.
3:30-5:15: Necessitarianism in Spinoza and Leibniz
Michael V. Griffin, Central European University
Sunday, May 6
9:00-10:45: Democracy and the Good Life in Spinoza’s Philosophy
Susan James, University of London, Birkbeck College
11:00-12:45: Concluding remarks
Edwin Curley, University of Michigan